Basic chemicals - The building blocks Basic chemicals are the building blocks for several products which reach the B2C market. They are produced in huge quantities to meet the demands of several industrial verticals. Basic chemical suppliers mostly deliver a considerable amount within the chemical industry for them to become end products like plastics,pharmaceuticals, fertilizer, building material etc. Basic chemicals are categorised into acetates, acids, alcohols,aldehyde, aliphatic solvent, alkali metal salts, amines and more. Lets look into few of the basic chemicals that are widely used Butyl Cellosolve Acetate: This basic chemical belongs to the acetate family and is used for its favourable properties like high level solubility,reduced surface tension and slow evaporation. It is used in the coating industry, leather printing, industrial cleaning,solvents in insecticides and herbicides and many more. Acetic Acid: Being a simple carboxylic acid it is majorly used as a...